So if you are going to play MapleStory 2, check my site as well. It already has quite a lot information on the game and you can expect a lot of new features to be added in the future. I would like to present to you my latest database site - MapleStory 2 Codex. US section of the database was updated up to version 6.2. Russian section of the database was updated to version 6.5. Korean (7.0), Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese sections of the site were updated to the latest version of the game. US section of the database was updated up to version 6.5. English (Gameforge), Deutsch, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish versions of the database was updated up to version 6.5. Russian section of the database was updated to version 7.0. If you are interested in such kind of software, please take a look at my article: Exitlag - VPN/Ping reducer software. This is a nice tool, which helps to optimize your ping and get access to the IP blocked games. Hey guys! As you might have noticed my site is currently sponsored by Exitlag. Korean (7.2), Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese sections of the site were updated to the latest version of the game. English (Gameforge), Deutsch and French sections of the database were updated to version 7.0. US section of the database was updated to version 7.0. If you plan to test the western version of this upcoming MMORPG, check my site as well. I would like to present to you my latest database site - Astellia Codex. English (Gameforge), German and French sections of the database were updated to version 7.2. Russian section of the database was updated to version 7.2. US section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game. Korean section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.5). Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Taiwanese sections of the database were updated to the latest version of the game. US section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.2). English (Gameforge), German and French sections of the database were updated to version 7.3. Taiwanese section of the database was updated to version 7.2. For those, who are playing in the older versions of Aion, added the Aion 3.x/4.x versions of the site (use the language selector to switch to them). Japanese section of the database was updated to version 7.5. Taiwanese section of the database was updated to version 7.5. English (Gameforge), German and French sections of the database were updated to version 7.5. Russian section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.5). Korean section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.7). US, English (Gameforge), German and French sections were updated to the latest version of the game (7.5). Russian section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.7). US section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.5). English (Gameforge), German and French sections were updated to the latest version of the game (7.7). US section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.7). It's available under the "한국어 (Classic)" option in the language drop down menu at the top right corner of the site. Added section for korean version of Aion Classic (1.2).

Added the Aion 5.x version of the site (use the language selector to switch to it). English (Gameforge), German and French sections were updated to the latest version of the game (7.8). US section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.8). English (Gameforge), German and French sections were updated to the latest version of the game (7.9). Korean (8.0), Japanese, Russian, Chinese and Taiwanese sections were updated to the latest version of the game (7.9). US section of the database was updated to the latest version of the game (7.9). Added the US English (Classic) section of the site. Added the Daeva Pass Rewards and Daeva Pass Missions to the US English (Classic) section of the site. US English (Classic) section of the site was updated to the version 1.2 US, English (Gameforge), German and French sections were updated to the latest version of the game (8.0). US English (Classic) section of the site was updated to the version 1.5